Tourism & Hospitality: Assisting A Tourist

A guide for tourism and hospitality staff assisting tourists in distress.

Working Together to get our Visitors Back on Track

Working Together to get our Visitors Back on Track

Tourist SOS is our way to take care of international visitors if things go wrong – which, along with your support, means they can get back to enjoying a great holiday in Ireland.

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Customer Service Best Practice

How you can support international visitors who have suffered a crime or other distressing event – such as an accident, medical emergency, lost property

Remember the 6 S’s

  • Speed:

    Acting with Speed is critical- visitors are on holidays and often have limited time, so distressing events interrupt their itinerary and this adds to their stress

  • Story:

    Take the time to listen to their Story – they usually want to share their experience with someone who can empathise with them and provide reassurance– make sure they know you are there to support and help them

  • SOS:

    Recommend they talk to Tourist SOS who can help them to resolve their problem quickly

  • Share:

    Share the contact details - website,
    telephone +353 1 661 0562 / Whatsapp +353 (0)87 47 69402
    Or scan QR code, if available.

  • Simple:

    Remember that some visitors may not have fluent English, so use Simple language and gestures. Google translate can also be a great tool if necessary.

  • Support:

    Any gestures of Support and kindness go a long way - for instance offering a cup of tea and somewhere quiet to sit and use a phone are small things that mean a lot and are greatly appreciated by visitors.

Success Stories

Here’s some examples of feedback we have received from international visitors we have supported.

Assisted in getting me a replacement ID

“I wanted to thank you again for your help with my lost ID! Tourists in Dublin can be really glad to have you. So thank you very very much.”

Visitor, Germany

Put my mind at ease when I couldn’t get home

“Thanks to your precious intervention, I was able to take the Ryanair flight back to Beauvais yesterday. I just want to thank you very much for your assistance and kindness. ”

Visitor, France

You and the Dublin police helped me a lot

“I visited Dublin and I had a problem because someone stole my wallet. Both you and the Dublin police helped me a lot - I am going to remember you and your wonderful city all my life. This weekend I'm going back to Dublin”

Visitor, Spain

Share Your Story

Want to share an experience of how you supported a visitor, or share positive feedback you received from them?

Click Here
Share Your Story

Got a question? Here are some answers.

Some answers to typical questions you may have. Can't find what you are looking for? Get in touch and we'll assist you in any way we can.

Do I have to pay for the service?

The services provided by Tourist SOS are free. You do not need to pay for any support or practical assistance that you receive from us.

Is the service confidential?

Tourist SOS provides a confidential service. We will only discuss or pass on details of your situation with your consent.

For example, if you require an Emergency Travel Document from your embassy, we will not contact the embassy on your behalf unless you are happy for us to do so.

In what parts of Ireland is the service available?

Tourist SOS is a national service. We assist tourists no matter where in Ireland the crime has occurred. Face-to face support is available in Dublin, where our staff are based, and for the rest of the country we offer information and support over the phone or by email.

If a journey to Dublin is required to visit your embassy or for any other purpose, we can organise this. We will keep in contact with you until you are happy that all issues in so far as possible, are resolved.

Are there any limitations on the service you provide?

There are certain supports which regrettably we are unable to provide. We cannot:

  • Give Cash
  • Replace lost/stolen items
  • Offer emergency long-term support
  • Give legal advice
  • Get involved in third party disputes
How is the service funded?

Primary funding is provided by the Department of Justice of Ireland, Fáilte Ireland (National Tourism Development Authority) and Dublin City Council. We also receive both financial and in-kind donations from a wide range of organisations in the tourism and hospitality industry.

Can I replace a missing driver’s licence while visiting Ireland?

You will not be able to replace your drivers licence in Ireland. This can only be done on your return home. If you had intended to hire a car, please contact us as we may be able to assist. If you have already hired a car, then the car hire company will have a copy of your licence but it would be advisable to keep a copy of the garda report in the car in case you are stopped by the Gardaí.

Can I receive compensation if I am a victim of crime in Ireland?

If you are injured as a result of a violent crime in Ireland, you may be entitled to compensation under the ‘Compensation Injuries Compensation Scheme’.

Compensation may be awarded on the basis of out of pocket expenses, including medical expenses and loss of earnings.

You are not entitled to compensation for items stolen or property damaged. For this you must claim through your insurance company.

If the victim has died as a result of the incident, compensation may be awarded to the dependants of the victim.

The incident in which the injury was caused must have been reported to the Gardaí.

There is a three-month time limit for making a claim, but this can be extended in exceptional circumstances up to two years if the Tribunal is satisfied that the circumstances justify exceptional treatment.

Further information on the compensation scheme is available here.

If you are a citizen of another EU State you can apply for compensation directly from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal or through the national compensating authority in your home country. They will advise you about making a claim or you can apply directly through the European’s Commission website.

Want to support our services?

If you have found our service useful, or if you see the value in what we do, please support us by making a donation, or sign up to become a sponsor.


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